Thursday, December 15, 2011

Ooopps!!!! Fail!!!!

 I have failed in my goal to make regular blog posts this year.  Never mind ... only 2 weeks and a new year starts and I can make it a goal for next year  :)

The reason for my apparent laxity is the fact that I am very involved in my genealogy and have recently been spending a lot of my free time in researching my family tree.  It is very absorbing as I have contact with a cousin in the UK and between the two of us we have found lots of exciting information as, for example, my great-grandfather co-wrote a book with a famous cyclist and a Pre-Raphaelite artist painted a portrait of my great-grandmother which she donated to The Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery 2 years before she died, among a lot of other equally fascinating, to me at least, stuff, which will be of no interest to you unless you are related to me. :P

Anyway, I'm here now and it appears I have a bit of time to catch up with, so I'd better get started. I won't bore you with lots of words, I will just put up a few pics of things I have been doing.  I will probably do a few posts over a few days so I can totally catch up with this year before it ends.

This is a table runner I made for my daughter-in-law ... front and back. These are her favourite colours.  I also made her a Bag-bag in the same colours.

The following are a couple of a number of peg bags I have made.  The left one was for a friend and the one on the right for a different daughter-in-law, whose favourite colours are also red and black.  (Doesn't allow a mother-in-law much in the variety stakes when sewing for them :( 
A single male friend, who lives in a unit and uses a communal washing line, (and loves fishing), saw them and wanted one for his pegs, so I made him a nice masculine one.

Living in a small place leaves me wanting for storage, so I am thinking of making different ones of these to store things in different rooms/cupboards around the house.   I want to redesign them slightly so they close in the front.  When I have got to them I will put up some pics.

For those of you who don't know, my next door neighbour and I rescued 8, 5 day old orphan kittens last Friday and are hand-rearing them. They are progressing wonderfully and are now 11 days old.  Here are some pics I took over the last couple of days.